Sunday, June 7, 2009

The big day

So the big day has come and gone. Rachel graduated from Yelm High this morning. I was pretty teary eyed as she came out on the floor and they faced the audience. That's my baby in that group of young people and in a few short minutes her high school days will be over and she will truly be an adult. She will be moving out of our house next week, off to live with friends to get a taste of what it likes to be out from under my roof. I'm sad and nervous for her too because she thinks this is the direction she needs to head right now. It's all part of the learning experience of growing up. In a few short weeks she'll be starting classes at college, ready to begin the long road to become a nurse. I'll miss the girl you were Rachel, but I know I'll love the woman you'll become.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Why does she look so sad??? You should have been the only one sad today! I can't believe she's moving out so soon, I feel your pain.